
Rainy days ahead

I am plenty tired still. Another strange dream last night. I hardly write much in this blog, I'm writing more over at myspace.
I will be getting a new name for it soon instead of the numbers. This is a temp.
Randy's ticker on the computer said he has 16 days left till he is out of AGE and leaves for tech. However he leaves May 14th for Tech school.
The weather is like a fog today just lots of overcast grey clouds. Its going to be one of those blah days. I hope everyone is doing ok. Spiritually, I've been battling things of this world that I can't understand. I actually thought it was a harmless game. I honestly didn't think Tarot was a form of divination until I looked at a book that came with it. Immediatly, I did remember something in the bible pulled it out and surprisingly the way I had opened it was open to the Ten Commandments. I dont remember what number it was but it was in there. Thou shall not PRACTICE any art of divination. Honestly God had intervined immediatly and saw that I needed to see it now. It scared the holy living crap our of me and took the items and locked them up for good! Serves me right for nosing into something like that. I asked for forgiveness and even had the associate pastor pray with me this past weekend. This way I can fight any temptations.

Other than that, things have not changed much. The house has been hard to keep up with. It looks like a tornado rammed through scattering stuff all over. I'm tired a lot when coming home and then spend time with the honeys or cook dinner. Its been difficult living in a constant mess. I seem to get depressed easily some days because of the condition the house is in and every once ina while I want to stay home and sort through things which is nearly impossible with this full time job. I would love a miracle right now and could need some patience until he leaves and when I'm out of work. My last day is not until June 15th, wish it was earlier than that. Keep us in prayer from the insanity of our house mess! ARGH!

Back to work for me!