
Just a little down

I'm still pretty tired this morning. I remember waking up at 3am and going to the bathroom, but someting else woke me. One night I actually felt the bed shaking on my side as if a child were tugging the side to get my attention. That woke me up, everyone was still and quiet. Lord knows what that was. Too tired to even think.
I woke up this morning with interesting dreams to remember. I did not want to wake. Part of the dream was I actually found a real love in a man that did not look at all like Randy. In fact he had darker hair and when we met for the first time, it had vibrant sparks. As if we know we were meant for each other. I guess I have been worrying a little on the relationship with Randy lately. We both get distracted with other things other than being together sometimes. I would really like for us to take time away from TV, electronics and actually get away together such as camping or even a walk. He has had a lot of bad days lately at work getting more upset with things. The only time we can speak is to interupt his Stargates or 7th Heavens.
Oh well, I hope things will work out. I better go and fix these problems with helicopter parts. They are not reading in the system and I need help with it.
I hope everyone is doing well.


Pulling hair!

Well, as of this morning our carpet is sogging up for the 3-4 day in a row this time it seems be growing bigger in the general area. I thought it was us with extremely wet feet out of a bath, but no this seemed different. I’m thinking that our Jacuzzi tub pipes can only take so much pressure wondering if those are the right pipes. Well it looks like the doorway in front of the bath area under the cement may have a slow leaking pipe or the pipe is busted. The carpet is wet every morning even when we try to dry it! What would you do?
Randy told me the way to turn off the water was outside and I couldn’t find it, argh! Anyway, maybe we should have gone for a Jacuzzi that sits outside.
I ended up calling him at work and letting him know we have concluded it’s a pipe. He was just saying last night he hoped that they will have to condem the house and the insurance would move us into a new place! That’s just wild! I doubt it but it would be great.

Second, Randy called a minute ago on the cell and he was at home. He said he hda gotten in touch with our plumber friend Jack and Jack gave him instructions on reading the gauge. So we will see whats going on. It does look like a slow leak in the pipes so far.
Thirdly, Randy mentioned that the cross-training paperwork he worked hard to get has now gone missing in military hands! This is like the 2nd time this has happened and we're both getting frustrated over this. It seems like they love to do this or they are doing it on purpose.
Please pray for us that Randy paperwork will be found and processed! We are both desperate to get off this base.
Fourthly work has been pretty busy this week and sometimes feel like going insane or true blonde for that matter! Lol. Besides some how today I'm missing my period, it may be the change in pills for all I know and its time to make that yearly exam "gyno."

Well I better run before something happens. I'm hoping to hear from Jess, no word in a while.



Before college really had begun this summer I had started doing research on the Barrow's originally. This is Mom's grandmother's side. Now that I have some free time in between classes I found out yesterday it is a lot harder than it seems. I did learn that there are more Barrows out there, it is just finding the right one connecting to certain events. I feel we are connected to a William Ruffin Barrow somehow but of course it is tracing the correct lineage.
Example, if you go to: http://greenwoodplantation.com/ I'm hoping there is a connection considering the plantation itself was built by a Barrow.
Well I better run for now and hope to talk about this later. There is a little bit of work to do. It has only been an hour into the day and things are pretty boring. When Jay is sick there is not much to do.


Beginning of August

I am surprised how quickly August is already here! This is Birthday month! Shout-outs go to brother, sister and mom. Andrew I'll call u later tonight! Decided to do my persuasive speech about "Driving Dangerously - Saftey Issues." It will probably be a common speech but I am at the point creativity is not on mind. Time to get it done and ready for finals. Finals are on the 8th. Downloaded the college schedule and classes, jusat don't know what to take. Early registration starts tomorow. I will need to get financial aid somehow for this fall. I'd like to take 2 night classes. It will still be night classes. Prices are crazy here. In Cali it ran about 12. to 13. per semester hour. So if you pick a 3 credit class it going to cost maybe 39. to 40. for that one class. However here, it's $112.00 per semester hour. I paid out of my own pocket for speech class around $336.00. Imagine 2 classes, yikes!
Well I better run and get some work done before time to leave from work. Class tonight.

Demonstrative Speech - Decorating Cakes

How to Make a Basic Decoration for Professional Cakes.
Jennifer L Heaton
July 6th 05
A. Choosing your decorating bag
1. Featherweights, disposables or parchment
2. Couplers
3. Filling and holding the bag
B. Three main essentials of decorating
a) Icing Consistency
(1) Thin-For writing, making vines, leaves and icing the cake. 2 Teaspoons-water
(2) Med-Stars, figure piping, borders and flowers with petals that lies flat. – 1 Teaspoon-water
(3) Thick- Decorations such as roses and upright petals and sweet peas. Has to be stiff enough or they will droop. Cracking – too stiff/Droop – not enough
b) Correct Bag Position
(1) Angel 90 degrees, 45degrees Right Hand
(2) Same angles just opposite Left Hand
c) Pressure Control
(1)Light, Med, and Heavy
C. Color
1. Do not use regular food coloring
2. Icing colors

A. Shell border
1. Tip 21, Med icing, 45 degrees at 6:00, Hold tip slightly above surface
2. Hold the bag in the 6:00 position so that you can pull the bag toward you. The tip should be slightly above the surface.
3. Squeeze hard, letting the icing fan out generously as it lifts the tip – do not lift the bag. Gradually relax your pressure as you lower the tip until it touches the surface.
4. Stop pressure and pull the tip away, without lifting it off the surface, to draw the shell to a point.
5. To make a shell border, start the end of your next shell so that the fanned end covers the tail of the preceding shell to form and even chain.
B. Sweet peas
1. Bag: 45° angle 6:00Tip: wide end touching surface, narrow end straight up
2. Squeeze, raising tip slightly
3. Stop squeezing, lower tip
4. Pull away
a) Calyx
(1) Thin consistency, tip 3, position bag 45 degrees at 6:00, tip needs to be in the base of the center petal.
(2) Squeeze, letting icing build up
(3) Relax pressure, drawing down and away.
(4) Stop squeezing, pull away.

(a) Credentials go to Wilton.com for the actual procedure for the shell

A. Questions
B. Reference: Wilton, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby etc…classes