
Whats going on?

These days I'm tired a lot and enjoying my days off. Work is work and sometimes it can get pretty bad with customers when you are in retail. That is why I am glad to come home everyday and relax. I received a game yesterday in the mail. I was surprised at first to see a box thats said Amazon on it sitting by the door. I thought it was an order I had placed just a couple days ago. Inside, I tore that box apart and had a huge smile finding out it was Legends the new Tombraider game I've been drooling over. My parents had sent it to me for my Birthday. Yesh! Thanks!
Recently I has won a $50 gift certificate at the BX for best Halloween Costume.

It was pretty fun putting together and it was my husbands idea! But I spent the money towards presents for family. We still have another Birthday coming up for this month and Christmas is just around the corner.
I'm really missing some friends back in Louisiana. I have not been able to use my talents here with a church and I'm sure missing out with the Band back there. The group finally came up a Band Name: LionsBait. This is the group with Erin, Dallas, Kenny, Kat....
I've been adding some new friends to myspace.com/jenni_chan
Ryan joined in recently. Other than that it is morning time and I have to get up and get ready for work. Blah! And I'm sleepy still. Another Blog soon to come! Chow~


Back to basics


Well, I'm back online finally and we have moved into our base house. And boy, have I missed the internet at will! I also started playing Xbox Game Fable lately. It is a very fun RPG that may get addicting, lol. I do have work today from 1130 to 7. Long hour day which means I have to pack a lunch.
Also I've been thinking about my brother. I know that he is having a hard time with some things and I've called him a few times. I just hope he doing alright.
The new movie we just picked up is Tokyo Drift - Fast and the Furious. It came out on the 26th Sept. 06. It was a fun movie and with a last minute surprise guest star Vin Diesel!
I'm also waiting to buy Legends-Tombraider for our Xbox 360. Its still a pretty penny, hoping price will go down over the year. It is prety sad though. We bought the 360 not long ago, maybe a few months back and we still have not bought any games for it.
Well, I need to run for now and probably still work on cleaning up and organizing the kitchen from all the boxes. The house is very messy with boxes everywhere. I wil try to write some more later on.
Also I did put up a new layout for blogspot, I like it. I do collect Collector Barbie Dolls on occasion.


Back to Blogger for a while

Ok, I'm finally able to get online at Randy's supervisors house. Well we made it to Montana and the view's here are nice! I finally got a job with Aafes AGAIN! I'll be working in Powerzone for about 30 hours a week. At least it is something.
Otherwise things are ok here. We are staying in a nice 5th wheel at the FamCamp next to the base. I miss the internet! I started beading again. Already bored, got to run and finish up some other things. Miss everyone!


Rainy days ahead

I am plenty tired still. Another strange dream last night. I hardly write much in this blog, I'm writing more over at myspace.
I will be getting a new name for it soon instead of the numbers. This is a temp.
Randy's ticker on the computer said he has 16 days left till he is out of AGE and leaves for tech. However he leaves May 14th for Tech school.
The weather is like a fog today just lots of overcast grey clouds. Its going to be one of those blah days. I hope everyone is doing ok. Spiritually, I've been battling things of this world that I can't understand. I actually thought it was a harmless game. I honestly didn't think Tarot was a form of divination until I looked at a book that came with it. Immediatly, I did remember something in the bible pulled it out and surprisingly the way I had opened it was open to the Ten Commandments. I dont remember what number it was but it was in there. Thou shall not PRACTICE any art of divination. Honestly God had intervined immediatly and saw that I needed to see it now. It scared the holy living crap our of me and took the items and locked them up for good! Serves me right for nosing into something like that. I asked for forgiveness and even had the associate pastor pray with me this past weekend. This way I can fight any temptations.

Other than that, things have not changed much. The house has been hard to keep up with. It looks like a tornado rammed through scattering stuff all over. I'm tired a lot when coming home and then spend time with the honeys or cook dinner. Its been difficult living in a constant mess. I seem to get depressed easily some days because of the condition the house is in and every once ina while I want to stay home and sort through things which is nearly impossible with this full time job. I would love a miracle right now and could need some patience until he leaves and when I'm out of work. My last day is not until June 15th, wish it was earlier than that. Keep us in prayer from the insanity of our house mess! ARGH!

Back to work for me!



I had the strangest dream last night. This is what I can remember and its kind of in peices. If you can understand it that would be great because I would love a translation! ^_^
I was on the cell talking to my husband and driving a long stretch of road...a very long road. Last thing I told him...I have to do this on my own...I will be back. And he stayed put where he was and supported me while I was gone..........blank for a while...........

Then I came to a building. It kind of looked like a church. I met some new people inside and one female just glared as if she was facing competition. It was funny because it was for singing in a group or band for a new church and here I was already feeling welcomed except for that one person. Eventually in one of the scenes we almost had a mud slinging fight but I left her in the dust running towards the exit. I came to a barred door got on the other side of it and slammed it shut.

Up came running I could have sworn was her! She transformed into a cute black dog with big eyes. .....................I just left her behind the gated door looking at her sadly the dog just sat there panting with a grin. I turned around and against the wall was an old fashioned piano. My dream ended as I began to play by ear on the piano.



Dear Friends!
We are soon to have a change of address. Military is now moving us to Maelstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana. We have to be there no later date than July 31st 06. I am planning to quit my job around Mid-May, hoping my husband will agree to it. That is the best news I have gotten in the last 30 minutes while being at work. Thank you God!



Well, the weekend went pretty nice. Saturday, Randy and I went out together when he got home from work. He was lucky to get home that day early probably around 3 or 4. I had Rick and his wife come over. Rick does yard service for a career right now. He had his wife come and help a little since our backyard is pretty big. She is not allowed to do to much since they just found out she is 9 weeks pregnant. (I can’t wait to stop taking the pill) Well anyway, right now our backyard is sooo much nicer now. I was surprised to see we had green grass still underneath the cover of leaves, pine straw and mostly gum balls! He will be helping me again after next payday to help me with the front yard.
I can now enjoy the trampoline again too. I’m looking at buying a sun chair for the back porch since I’m not sure where the hammocks are at.
Well, me and the honeys went out that afternoon some hoping to find a leather cover for our new Creative Zen Mp3 player. Of course, we had no luck at either Circuit City or Best Buy. He also wanted to find a case for the 17 inch laptop. We had a little trouble finding the one he wanted. He gave his previous laptop and he bought a different one for himself. At least we both have one now for classes and such. They both have internet!
Now I’m just trying to get motivated to work on my website……
We went to Chef Lee’s that afternoon for lunch, yummm!
We spent some of the day together watching a few movies and I cleaned up the kitchen table and some. I also played with some stickers Lisa had sent me. Church was interesting on Sunday. We had a Russian preacher lady and her translator. At times the spoke at the same time and it was hard to catch on to what she was saying. I did enjoy her sermon though. It reminded to open the bible more these days and look more into Corinthians. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalms139. Psalms is mostly poems, writings and songs. This is one I’d say is writing about how God created us from the mother’s womb and knows every single hair on our head. He knows when we are getting up and sitting down; he knows so much about us. And we as his children sometimes forget about how God needs to be our first priority in our lives. Either way it is a really nice chapter!
Well, it is almost break time and I’m at work anyway with not much going on. I’m going to search for some online quizzes to put on myspace and blogger sometime today. I’d like to work on my website but really when I start to I get distracted. And it is a rather difficult to do that kind of thing during work hours, bad me! LOL I have to find some html to fit in links to the different pages. Chow for now!


Short term memory loss

I am having a terrible time with short time memory. It seems to affect my work at times which is bad. I need help any advice would be great! Help!



I have not blogged much and really have not had any motivation. But I finally have a few photos to post up. We had went Shoguns last Saturday for honey's birthday and our anniversary. It was still good food but bad service this time. There are 2 photos. One from this year and one from last year. Jillian went to both and this year, Rita went to last years and Myles went with us this year. He just hates being in photos. Strange boy, lol.

My honey is now back on day shift! That is something to be happy about. This years photo is with him in the white t-shirt.



Just wanting to update a little. I put up a new layout from Cazz's place. I love her style! I wrote a new story, well the beginning of one. It is posted below. Nothing really new here at home. I'm waiting for changes in our sleep schedules. Thank God his Mid-shift ends this Thursday! I received a Valentines card from my sister yesterday. Very pretty, I love it! Thanks! I have been working on cards actually since the past weekend so our eating table is covered in scraps and junk. The only time I get to work on cards is before work and a little in the evening. I'll be lucky to finish these this week. I have one day off coming up on the 24th. Feb is going fast. Pray we will get out of this state! My hands have been acting up with excema.


Old Manor Road


Dust had not settled on the long straight road ahead. Weeping willow trees hung close to the road grieving their long branches into the slight breeze. The temperature dropped to a frigid coldness leaving a damp touch to the surrounding area. A fog rolls in quickly and everything changes into a cloudy pillow billowing at the seams. Patches of fog lift to reveal a clear area and out yonder; one can see a river with more fog raised off the water creeping outward. A covered bridge lies ahead as darkness engulfs underneath its hood.

You see there is a mystery, an unsolved murder perhaps that befalls on this road. Even the scent of this place is well known for its musky breathes. But further on down the road there is a large estate, known as Dallons Manor. Not many people venture to the place since they do not know what could be inside. Is the house just as creepy as the long walk down its driveway?


Military-good or bad?

If you have someone in the military, you already know what kind of life they bring home.
I really do not talk much about my husband's career at all, which is best if I did not. These days however bring unhappiness that surrounds his schedule with work. This also affects my schedule as well. For some who do not understand mid-shift is short for the graveyard shift. Work usually begins either at 11pm or 12pm and does not end until 7 or 8 am. When he gets home he mostly goes straight to bed and sleeps until 5pm. Some days he will come in and stay up some either watching TV or work on the computers.
The tricky part is spending times with him. I have a full time job as well; however I am on days. Normal hours for me last 8am till 5pm, except on Fridays it is till 3pm. Regularly, I wake him at 5 so that we can eat and do something together until he starts to get ready for work at 10pm. Most of this time it is about sacrificing my free time or hobby time to spend it with him. I don’t look at it as a bad thing; it’s just a time of less activity in something I really enjoy doing. Yes, it really does make me feel depressed often, I am hoping for the better when this schedule is over. I have heard recently he will soon be off the mid-shift by the 18th of this month of February. The next thing we hope to hear is good news that we get to leave Louisiana and to a different base. That would be great! I look at is if you love him enough you have to stick with him. It would go the other way as well. I’m just trying to be there and support him. When he comes home or wakes up, I will have at least made him dinner and ready to spend time with that person. Even some nights he will go into the computer room to watch one of his shows, those are the nights he tells me to relax and join him or take some free time. The moral of this story love goes a long way. Stick to the ones who have it rougher than you and just be there for them, even if takes away some of your free time. Besides when that type of schedule is over, you will soon be able to enjoy time together so much, you will want space away!


Neo-referall program

Click on the fairie doll to join neopets! It's fun and addictive!


Newest things

Yes, I am finally blogging and it has been a while. I've been to see the new Narnia movie and King Kong twice. Plus work has been very rough and stressfull the last week. The newest anime I am in to is Full Moon O Sagashite. I've seen the anime and now I'm starting to read the manga.

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Defenitly a favorite. You can always go to Ebay.com and check it out under Full Moon wo Sagashite. I bout the whole dvd collection there for a good price.
Other than that my hubby is on mid-shift this month and I'm on days and the time we see each other is evening for a few hours and maybe some on weekends. We are both looking forward to getting out of Lousiana.

Crime rates have literally grown higher because of the Hurricane in the south. A lot of the New Orleans evacuees have come here. Most recently I have heard the mayor (of Orleans) has stated that they will start re-building New Orleans for the African American's only apparently. This is totally is bogus and is racist! Belive me I am grumbling! All the hatred and pride people need to let go or they will be comsumed by their own hatred.
Chow for now.



Busy days at work ahead. I bought new bathroom cabinet doors this past weekend. They were on clearance. They were originally $257 for the smaller and the 60 by 22 was around $400. However the manager for that area wanted to get rid of them pretty badly so he sold them to me for $100 for the smaller and $111. for the bigger one. The bad part is waiting for a weekend to install them. For the time being the small is in the master bath in the corner and the big one sits in the front door hallway. Well its time for lunch, soyonara!


Sims Floorplans

I really haven't blogged much lately. It has actually been busy for a Monday at work, even though the other guys have not been here much. I started playing the Sims again last night and I'm enjoying just building right now more than playing characters. I'm working on the floorplans that Randy and I picked out for our house. It was on a modular home floorplan website and we loved it so we picked it out. So I'm just trying to play with it some on the Sims game to see what it would actually look like for fun. Of course, as soon as I got to the second floor, Randy tells me the front door is actually on a different side and I have been looking at the floorplans differently. Dear Lord, now I got to undo most of the house and re-change things around. I will post up a picture of it later on tonight. Great, I got to run and try to fix the stupid scanner. Its acting up.



I have not talked much since before Christmas. It is the holidays and things sometimes get rough. Most of the holidays I've been kind of sick. Christmas weekend I had such a bad head cold plus what seems to be a fever. I havent felt like that in a long time. I layed down most of the time and Randy piled blankets on me to sweat it out. But we enjoyed each others company and we still made a little dinner. He got me Kay's Jewelry - quarter karat stud diamonds earrings and a metal detector. I plan on having fun with that. I also received a few things from my brother and sister and the parents. That was really nice of them! We ended up sending Chrstmas presents a little late and most of them this year were those gift packages from Walmart and a dvd to go. We try to not spend too much on the holidays this year since the news of the year comes in May.
We are just waiting to hear back from Military where exactly they are sending us. It will either be Luke AFB or somewhere in Florida. I'd love to go to Arizona! Its closer to my grandparents and cousins.
For New Years we ended up watching "Fun with Dick and Jane." Now things are getting a littl normal. Back to work as usual and this time no school to worry about. I still need to call everyone and thank them for the gifts. ^_^