
Whats going on?

These days I'm tired a lot and enjoying my days off. Work is work and sometimes it can get pretty bad with customers when you are in retail. That is why I am glad to come home everyday and relax. I received a game yesterday in the mail. I was surprised at first to see a box thats said Amazon on it sitting by the door. I thought it was an order I had placed just a couple days ago. Inside, I tore that box apart and had a huge smile finding out it was Legends the new Tombraider game I've been drooling over. My parents had sent it to me for my Birthday. Yesh! Thanks!
Recently I has won a $50 gift certificate at the BX for best Halloween Costume.

It was pretty fun putting together and it was my husbands idea! But I spent the money towards presents for family. We still have another Birthday coming up for this month and Christmas is just around the corner.
I'm really missing some friends back in Louisiana. I have not been able to use my talents here with a church and I'm sure missing out with the Band back there. The group finally came up a Band Name: LionsBait. This is the group with Erin, Dallas, Kenny, Kat....
I've been adding some new friends to myspace.com/jenni_chan
Ryan joined in recently. Other than that it is morning time and I have to get up and get ready for work. Blah! And I'm sleepy still. Another Blog soon to come! Chow~