I've noticed Blogger is more quieter than myspace and will probably blog away on here more often. I will be changing up the layout pretty soon, this one is getting pretty old. Besides Mypace is much to populated and I had to change the privacy settings to public for some friends/family who wanted to read it. These people do not actaully have an account with Myspace and with the previous settings on it, only friends with an account can read it. I will be changing up the settings!
I will continue to post blogs there but they will be copied over to here. I do not garuantee to continue blogging at Myspace, I may just come back to blogger completely.
Ok. Besides letting you know about that, today is Saturday September 1st 2007 Labor Day weekend! I can't believe it is already September. My Birthday is coming up in 2 months and Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon as well.
Some of the changes I made this summer where taking down my domain name through Go Daddy. Gekkani does not exist anymore. The site is still there, a one pager apologizing to everyone. I was paying maybe 10 bucks for 2 years for it, which is worth it. However, with us moving we may not have the time nor the internet for a while to mess with it. I thought it was not worth working on the site for a while. Lately I've been wanting to start working on bits of it when there is time available. Of course, it would be "Why?" and "What would I put on it?" Nevermind my babbling, I'm still thinking about it.
These days I'm currently thinking about the Pure Romance Party I will be hosting for Danielle on the 21st. So far I've had many positive notes from people wanting to come. It may be a nice success! Today I'm suppose to finish up laundry cleaning and maybe some picking up in the kitchen. It is a must! Then I can plan the decorations and what to bring out for food.
Randy is in the shower and I'm sitting at the computer starving. LOL
Other future things include us preparing for the move in October. We have heard from Sheperd AFB and they are now past the first phase. That was all about making corrections. Now the 2nd phase is the last and I don't know what that includes. We know we should hear back what the verdict is in 3 weeks whats to happen. We could be out of here sooner.
My current plays: Neverwinter Nights
Tomb Raider Lost Artifact has been back burned again. I was playing it for a while until recently. Waiting for Sims: Cruise!
Current Reads: Mandy Series: The Talking Snowman
The 3rd book in the series.
Current Projects: A lapghan for Jeannie. It has 2 different purples.
Fav Current Shows: Stuff on Disney, Ghost Hunters.....
Current Netflix Movies: Dead Like Me Season 2 Disc 1 & 2, Escaflowne and Mermaid Forest
How is Work? Morning shifts. 7-330 most days or 11-7 on a couple days and once a week it's 6am-130
That is about it for now. I have pancakes cooking!
Daily good and bad life situation ordeals. Learning new things every day, learning to love and to compensate for the things we already have.
Reading the Bible ~Changing it to the way I can understand it
Leviticus 19:4
"Do not turn to Idols, nor make for yourself molded gods: I am the Lord your God."
English version:He is a Jealous God. He wants to be number in your life. Why do we put other things before him in the first place? Because we are human! It is a choice we make, good or bad ones at that. We just have to decide who or what is more important. Like he says, you either "Walk in the Flesh or Walk in Spirit."
Lev 19:3
"Honor your father and mother."
English version:
This is a very simple commandment. Notice the Bible says nothing about "Honor your parents if you think they deserve it." Your parents are human too and may have had many mistakes. You cannot just say, "I was their mistake." This does not make you any better. God still expects you to honor them anyway. Young people who hate their parents and do not respect them have allowed a rebellious attitude (spirit) to enter their lives. This is ultimatly not against their parents but against God who gave them their parents. This sin leads right into deep psychological problems and other tragedies.
Lev 19:13
"You shall not cheat your neighbor, nor rob him."
Lev 19:18
You shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
English Version:
People who are healthy naturally take care of themselves and do those things that are in their own interest. This is how God wants us to think about and care for others close to us. In a sense, if you steal from neighbor, your stealing from yourself. If you are friends with that person, things can make matters worse. What if your not friends with them? Well, you don't seem to care at all ~ meaning you dont seem to care nor respect Yourself. A person who does this literally, they dont love themselves. God wants us to love ourselves first before we can love others. Meaning, take care of yourself!
Lev. 19:16
"You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people, nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord."
English Version:
Hello Gossipers! This goes for those who also are critical or judgemental, backstabber ones as well. Well this is how I am understanding this verse. Hmm. What exactly is a talebearer? They tell Tales, go around maybe spread some rumors or even mock others because we look, smell, believe in something you don't like. The second half of this...I misunderstood at first. I thought it should be ok to stand up for those you love. I'm thinking if you love your neighbor as yourself and someone else pops in the picture to hurt them of any sort, wouldn't you stand up for them? Or try to protect them? Then again this may also be saying, "Do not rise up and be against this person just because they are human." We tend to be critical or judgemetal about any issue with anyone just because. You could say they don't like this person because they suddenly change and we don't know how to take it. So we automatically click into "safe mode" and guard against it. Then you will be wondering what happened to "Love thy neighbor as yourself" and you will be going "huh." What happened? Where is the peson I used to know? We are all humans! If you love or care for someone, we should not be critical or judgemental towards them. If you are good person, why not get to know someone for who they are. Not for what they do, believe in or have. Now that is true friendship.
There are many other quotes I can pick out but these were a few that were interesting.
"Do not turn to Idols, nor make for yourself molded gods: I am the Lord your God."
English version:He is a Jealous God. He wants to be number in your life. Why do we put other things before him in the first place? Because we are human! It is a choice we make, good or bad ones at that. We just have to decide who or what is more important. Like he says, you either "Walk in the Flesh or Walk in Spirit."
Lev 19:3
"Honor your father and mother."
English version:
This is a very simple commandment. Notice the Bible says nothing about "Honor your parents if you think they deserve it." Your parents are human too and may have had many mistakes. You cannot just say, "I was their mistake." This does not make you any better. God still expects you to honor them anyway. Young people who hate their parents and do not respect them have allowed a rebellious attitude (spirit) to enter their lives. This is ultimatly not against their parents but against God who gave them their parents. This sin leads right into deep psychological problems and other tragedies.
Lev 19:13
"You shall not cheat your neighbor, nor rob him."
Lev 19:18
You shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."
English Version:
People who are healthy naturally take care of themselves and do those things that are in their own interest. This is how God wants us to think about and care for others close to us. In a sense, if you steal from neighbor, your stealing from yourself. If you are friends with that person, things can make matters worse. What if your not friends with them? Well, you don't seem to care at all ~ meaning you dont seem to care nor respect Yourself. A person who does this literally, they dont love themselves. God wants us to love ourselves first before we can love others. Meaning, take care of yourself!
Lev. 19:16
"You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people, nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord."
English Version:
Hello Gossipers! This goes for those who also are critical or judgemental, backstabber ones as well. Well this is how I am understanding this verse. Hmm. What exactly is a talebearer? They tell Tales, go around maybe spread some rumors or even mock others because we look, smell, believe in something you don't like. The second half of this...I misunderstood at first. I thought it should be ok to stand up for those you love. I'm thinking if you love your neighbor as yourself and someone else pops in the picture to hurt them of any sort, wouldn't you stand up for them? Or try to protect them? Then again this may also be saying, "Do not rise up and be against this person just because they are human." We tend to be critical or judgemetal about any issue with anyone just because. You could say they don't like this person because they suddenly change and we don't know how to take it. So we automatically click into "safe mode" and guard against it. Then you will be wondering what happened to "Love thy neighbor as yourself" and you will be going "huh." What happened? Where is the peson I used to know? We are all humans! If you love or care for someone, we should not be critical or judgemental towards them. If you are good person, why not get to know someone for who they are. Not for what they do, believe in or have. Now that is true friendship.
There are many other quotes I can pick out but these were a few that were interesting.
Ok, I'm still waking up and it's almost 9 in the morning. Contiplating shower....or coffee sounds good too. I remember one of my dreams the other night. I actually thought yarn had wrapped itself around our bedroom fan and it was everywhere. The faster the fan went the higher the yarn would wrap up so I became scared that something would happen. I woke up and sat in bed and looked at the fan. But I thought I was still subconsiously under a dream since I thought I was seeing the yarn going up still. ~WEIRD~
So I remember getting out of bed and going down the hall grabbed a pair of scissors came back laid them down on the dresser and realized there was no yarn at all in our bedroom. So I went back to sleep. What is up with that?
What ever I tend to do during the day it tends to sneak into my very vivid dreams.
On this day in particular I began to self teach myself on knitting and did not succeed. However, It inspired me to start working on a crochet blanket.

I also remember one in particular when we were on our way back here and sleeping at Uncle Dennis's house in Idaho. The dream seemed very real. And it took place in the same room we were staying in. It started out feeling awkward as if someone was staring at you in the same room. You can feel their presence but could not see them at all. Something was in the same room with me. Just like a rushing wind, I was blasted to another place as if Time traveling was possible. I found myself in a huge cemetary with marbalized columns for a monumental building. I could see the shadows of people everywhere in the building, some looked like children, some elders. But when you try to chase them down to speak to them, they disapear. I found a larger room that looked like the upside down stairways you would see in the movie "Labyrinth." I could not see the person but they spoke to me loud and clear. Frantically I looked around and saw no one. The voice just told me to stop and calm down. I looked in one spot upon one of the high stairawys and saw a vivid haze. Kind of like what you would see from heat rising from a car but this took shape of a person.
He spoke kindly and I did not feel too afraid but my heart was still pounding. He said to me,"Do not be afraid, we are all the same here. I am your father's father. The Father, the son and the Holy Ghost."
Why did I see this? And now?! Jesus has arosen?
He slowly appeared before me as a human but still seemed fuzzy. He walked closer towards and told me something special.
"You have a talent, use it wisely. You have the ability for a sixth sense. You can see them clear as day. I love you."
Then he disapeared before my eyes. At first I was not sure what he meant by sixth sense until I walked outside of the building.
For miles over the headstones and right by the doorway to the open grassy knolls on the other side of the fence where people. They looked pale to the touch and icy when you touch them. To my surpise, as I walked through a mess of them, they would slip right through my hand when I tried to touch the shoulder of an elder. I knew right then I was going to go see my grandparents below figuring they would be walking around too beside their graves. My dream ends there as I'm walking away to find them.
No clue! This dream had me spooked. I've had a few personal experience in my life with ghosts and spirits and through what I was raised upon with Christianity. It reminded me of a scripture that talked about God letting Saul or someone look into a Supernatural Occurance. He has opened a window briefly to let the other guy see what was going on. There was a great war or a giant supernatural battle going on between good and evil. And they guy actually saw it breifly. I thought this may relate to it but don't know. Maybe God can show us things in our dreams....and if he can that means Evil Satan can do the same.
Other than than I can think of the few times I have actually seen spirits/ghosts neadering in places at times. I have felt their presence and heard footsteps and knocking...you name it. I have tried to debunk the attempts many times. Well it could also mean that I saw a vision of what may happen when the Lord is coming back and he raieses the dead. But who knows.....Any thoughts?
In the long run, I have always had vivid dreams and sometimes I reanacte some of those dreams or nightmares. My husband has caught me several times from jumping over him, springing up in bed and screaming. In the mornings I don't remember a thing unless I actually fell on the floor, I will feel the pain the next moring. If you ever see my right wrist I have scars from where I had shattered my wrist. That was from diving off the bed. I am not crazy it is things I cannot really control when my body is asleep and my brain gettting creative. Time for me to get up and eat breakfast.
So I remember getting out of bed and going down the hall grabbed a pair of scissors came back laid them down on the dresser and realized there was no yarn at all in our bedroom. So I went back to sleep. What is up with that?
What ever I tend to do during the day it tends to sneak into my very vivid dreams.
On this day in particular I began to self teach myself on knitting and did not succeed. However, It inspired me to start working on a crochet blanket.

I also remember one in particular when we were on our way back here and sleeping at Uncle Dennis's house in Idaho. The dream seemed very real. And it took place in the same room we were staying in. It started out feeling awkward as if someone was staring at you in the same room. You can feel their presence but could not see them at all. Something was in the same room with me. Just like a rushing wind, I was blasted to another place as if Time traveling was possible. I found myself in a huge cemetary with marbalized columns for a monumental building. I could see the shadows of people everywhere in the building, some looked like children, some elders. But when you try to chase them down to speak to them, they disapear. I found a larger room that looked like the upside down stairways you would see in the movie "Labyrinth." I could not see the person but they spoke to me loud and clear. Frantically I looked around and saw no one. The voice just told me to stop and calm down. I looked in one spot upon one of the high stairawys and saw a vivid haze. Kind of like what you would see from heat rising from a car but this took shape of a person.
He spoke kindly and I did not feel too afraid but my heart was still pounding. He said to me,"Do not be afraid, we are all the same here. I am your father's father. The Father, the son and the Holy Ghost."
Why did I see this? And now?! Jesus has arosen?
He slowly appeared before me as a human but still seemed fuzzy. He walked closer towards and told me something special.
"You have a talent, use it wisely. You have the ability for a sixth sense. You can see them clear as day. I love you."
Then he disapeared before my eyes. At first I was not sure what he meant by sixth sense until I walked outside of the building.
For miles over the headstones and right by the doorway to the open grassy knolls on the other side of the fence where people. They looked pale to the touch and icy when you touch them. To my surpise, as I walked through a mess of them, they would slip right through my hand when I tried to touch the shoulder of an elder. I knew right then I was going to go see my grandparents below figuring they would be walking around too beside their graves. My dream ends there as I'm walking away to find them.
No clue! This dream had me spooked. I've had a few personal experience in my life with ghosts and spirits and through what I was raised upon with Christianity. It reminded me of a scripture that talked about God letting Saul or someone look into a Supernatural Occurance. He has opened a window briefly to let the other guy see what was going on. There was a great war or a giant supernatural battle going on between good and evil. And they guy actually saw it breifly. I thought this may relate to it but don't know. Maybe God can show us things in our dreams....and if he can that means Evil Satan can do the same.
Other than than I can think of the few times I have actually seen spirits/ghosts neadering in places at times. I have felt their presence and heard footsteps and knocking...you name it. I have tried to debunk the attempts many times. Well it could also mean that I saw a vision of what may happen when the Lord is coming back and he raieses the dead. But who knows.....Any thoughts?
In the long run, I have always had vivid dreams and sometimes I reanacte some of those dreams or nightmares. My husband has caught me several times from jumping over him, springing up in bed and screaming. In the mornings I don't remember a thing unless I actually fell on the floor, I will feel the pain the next moring. If you ever see my right wrist I have scars from where I had shattered my wrist. That was from diving off the bed. I am not crazy it is things I cannot really control when my body is asleep and my brain gettting creative. Time for me to get up and eat breakfast.
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