So I remember getting out of bed and going down the hall grabbed a pair of scissors came back laid them down on the dresser and realized there was no yarn at all in our bedroom. So I went back to sleep. What is up with that?
What ever I tend to do during the day it tends to sneak into my very vivid dreams.
On this day in particular I began to self teach myself on knitting and did not succeed. However, It inspired me to start working on a crochet blanket.

I also remember one in particular when we were on our way back here and sleeping at Uncle Dennis's house in Idaho. The dream seemed very real. And it took place in the same room we were staying in. It started out feeling awkward as if someone was staring at you in the same room. You can feel their presence but could not see them at all. Something was in the same room with me. Just like a rushing wind, I was blasted to another place as if Time traveling was possible. I found myself in a huge cemetary with marbalized columns for a monumental building. I could see the shadows of people everywhere in the building, some looked like children, some elders. But when you try to chase them down to speak to them, they disapear. I found a larger room that looked like the upside down stairways you would see in the movie "Labyrinth." I could not see the person but they spoke to me loud and clear. Frantically I looked around and saw no one. The voice just told me to stop and calm down. I looked in one spot upon one of the high stairawys and saw a vivid haze. Kind of like what you would see from heat rising from a car but this took shape of a person.
He spoke kindly and I did not feel too afraid but my heart was still pounding. He said to me,"Do not be afraid, we are all the same here. I am your father's father. The Father, the son and the Holy Ghost."
Why did I see this? And now?! Jesus has arosen?
He slowly appeared before me as a human but still seemed fuzzy. He walked closer towards and told me something special.
"You have a talent, use it wisely. You have the ability for a sixth sense. You can see them clear as day. I love you."
Then he disapeared before my eyes. At first I was not sure what he meant by sixth sense until I walked outside of the building.
For miles over the headstones and right by the doorway to the open grassy knolls on the other side of the fence where people. They looked pale to the touch and icy when you touch them. To my surpise, as I walked through a mess of them, they would slip right through my hand when I tried to touch the shoulder of an elder. I knew right then I was going to go see my grandparents below figuring they would be walking around too beside their graves. My dream ends there as I'm walking away to find them.
No clue! This dream had me spooked. I've had a few personal experience in my life with ghosts and spirits and through what I was raised upon with Christianity. It reminded me of a scripture that talked about God letting Saul or someone look into a Supernatural Occurance. He has opened a window briefly to let the other guy see what was going on. There was a great war or a giant supernatural battle going on between good and evil. And they guy actually saw it breifly. I thought this may relate to it but don't know. Maybe God can show us things in our dreams....and if he can that means Evil Satan can do the same.
Other than than I can think of the few times I have actually seen spirits/ghosts neadering in places at times. I have felt their presence and heard footsteps and name it. I have tried to debunk the attempts many times. Well it could also mean that I saw a vision of what may happen when the Lord is coming back and he raieses the dead. But who knows.....Any thoughts?
In the long run, I have always had vivid dreams and sometimes I reanacte some of those dreams or nightmares. My husband has caught me several times from jumping over him, springing up in bed and screaming. In the mornings I don't remember a thing unless I actually fell on the floor, I will feel the pain the next moring. If you ever see my right wrist I have scars from where I had shattered my wrist. That was from diving off the bed. I am not crazy it is things I cannot really control when my body is asleep and my brain gettting creative. Time for me to get up and eat breakfast.