A few new notes:
1. My car window was smashed in by a flying rock, which was slinged by a mower this morning.
(front passenger side) Jan 30th 09

I'm filing a claim with the city and they are paying for damages.
2. Pennsylvania is a maybe still for the summer. We may be going out there to visit in April depending on Father in law and his wife.
3. March is pretty busy! One week I'll be house sitting for parents and right after I'll be in Florida for almost 2 weeks. Looking forward to that!
4. I'm not liking my new haircut. May need styling differently to get it look right.
5. Made a new friend - Shawn (Its a girl) Our neighbor. We have some things in common. I invited her to Thursday morning prayer walks with the other girls. We both listen to KLove, she is a born again Christian and has a pretty 17 month old girl. She is interested in going to Foursquare church with me.