Referencing College Link:
How to be a Biblical Archaeologist
I don't know why I even bother sometimes looking at these websites. I look in hopes maybe I can go one of these days or dream about the perfect college. Archaeology has been one of my biggest dreams since I was little. I've had some courses with it already from a couple colleges and that is as much I have achieved. Transcripts are a pain to get with 5 colleges behind my belt. Someone told me today I could get unofficial scripts and have them sent to me and then fax them over. That might be cheaper? I should not be wallowing in self pity. And I need to stop crying... Getting married I feel sets me back for my dream. It may not be true but ever since we married my dreams just keep getting pushed further back. Besides it will be harder, as a married couple and I'm trying to go overseas for biblical digs. On a good note, being married has opened up the many different colleges I have attended so far. There may still be a possibility in archaeology studies through Lycoming College. But that requires to move to Pennsylvania. And we may still be going there around April time to visit. Who knows, only God. We both agree we want to get away from CA and make a new life somewhere else. Even Archaeology is number 1 on my list for studies, I'm really unsure what else I may like to do for a career. I need some other ideas that way I don't take away my marriage just because of science.
Now I did find this one college - http://www.nwc.edu/display/81 They offer some archaeology/ history classes online! Plus they have other possibilities for degrees especially if I do fall back for something else.
I ask for Prayer big time and any advice!
Commit your actions to the lord and your actions will succeed - Proverbs 16:3 NLT