Dust had not settled on the long straight road ahead. Weeping willow trees hung close to the road grieving their long branches into the slight breeze. The temperature dropped to a frigid coldness leaving a damp touch to the surrounding area. A fog rolls in quickly and everything changes into a cloudy pillow billowing at the seams. Patches of fog lift to reveal a clear area and out yonder; one can see a river with more fog raised off the water creeping outward. A covered bridge lies ahead as darkness engulfs underneath its hood.
You see there is a mystery, an unsolved murder perhaps that befalls on this road. Even the scent of this place is well known for its musky breathes. But further on down the road there is a large estate, known as Dallons Manor. Not many people venture to the place since they do not know what could be inside. Is the house just as creepy as the long walk down its driveway?