
Christmas Time

Well, I have not been playing much on the internet or even facebook. There have been other things going on and with Christmas coming up! This year has flown fast.

I'm looking forward to Christmas this year and seeing family. Randy tries to frown upon Christmas now. His whole problem is about being negative and saying he does not look forward to Christmas at all.

"It's just another holiday where people want to spend money and the stores seem to get worse every year packing in and hurting everyone else in the process." Quoteth the husband.

I can see his point there but it does not give him the assumption that everyone does this and I'm sure he realizes not everyone does. Yea, it may be his opinion and in a way I can agree that every year there are more people in the stores these days mostly doing what....SPENDING! If they want to do it, it's their thing and its something nor him or me need to worry about.

Growing up in a family with Christ in our lives and every year with Christmas rolling around, to me that is what it means. A time for family to get together and share about Jesus's birth. Gifts were given to Jesus as Frankensince, myre and something else by the sheperds LOVE. And it was only one gift from each sheperd. The sheperds did not go out to buy these. (They could have in their land) They came forth bringing their gifts showing Jesus how much they care.

Sometimes I wonder if my husband has forgotten what the true meaning of Christmas really means.

My hubby grew up as military brat and he claims Episcoplian. I just truly do not know if he has been born again. He gives off partly of his persona that he does not care about God or where he goes after death. He is a very laid back type of guy who loves different things and gets bored after a while. There is a lot more to him that makes him lovable.

All I can can do is create an environment in an place where we live comfortable for him and truly show him what Christmas means to me. I can always put up lights and have a small little tree but nothing really can change his attitude. So I am having to show him what needs to be remembered.

A little love can go a long way.


Fall Frenzy

2 Corinthians 4:17
"Our troubles are small. They last only for a short time. But they are earning for us a glory that will last forever. It is greater than all our troubles."

New Goal:
I'm thinking of reading the bible to see how many of the word "praise" is listed. That would be an interesting goal. This will remind me to give "Praise" to the Lord instead of wallowing in my problems and guilt.

Whats going on now?
I'm having Rasberry Tea tonight and currently trying to pick a verse that really sticks out.
I went to the Foursquare Church of Lompoc tonight for a meeting. I am part of a team that is helping out with the 15th Annual Big Game Post Game Party on November 14th.

Past Recent Events
I volunteered at the Church Halloween Street Party as a way to serve the Lord and his children. I loved being there and getting to see all the kids come and play. I worked with another guy doing Ballon Bust. For some reason, it is the biggest game the past few years. Yes, we were ambushed! We ran out of ballons for a while. It was pretty hard for the smaller kids aiming for the last one or two that were left on the board for 30 minutes. But someone finally brought out more.

Upcoming Events
Christmas Choir practice starts on November 16th

I think I made a new friend named Sarah from church. She is a leader for Try your skills which is a game at the Post Game coming up. (Nov. 5th 08) Thank God for friends! I miss everyone!

Thoughts for Prayer
No matter how hard it is for employment right now, I really feel like I want to explode. I've tried everything almost around the area and I just want to cry and cry. I hate the fact that I had to leave my last job because of the husband getting a great job on the Air Force Base nearby. Sometimes, I really wish I could let him stay here while I go back home to my parents for a while. But that would be abandoning him. That would be very selfish of me to do so.
God help me!
I am sticking through it all and trying to help him where its needed. That is what Love is for.

I've been going through the Archaeological Bible some and finding some really neat things and much more. I would love to get back into studying Hebrew and Aramaic language.


Monday Morning

Do you know what fog can do to your hair? It makes my hair curly and frizy. Maybe you are not the type that fog actually bothers you in general. Let me say this. I'm living in a 5Th wheel temporarily until December when we plan on buying a house. This morning I'm hopping out the door with the dog and almost every morning we have fog and it can be pretty dense at times. I'm waiting for Barney to do his business and of course I'm not looking down at all times.
Suddenly, my left foot sinks fast into the ground. I'm not panicking since I've been told there were holes everywhere on the base. This place is ground squirell haven! I was smart not to try and bend forward or my leg would have broken. The hole had come all the way up to my knee.
I just pulled my self out gently and kept walking with the dog, just slightly shaken up.

Vandenberg usually stays at 62 degrees and sometimes no higher than 80 during the day. We seem to have a constant little breeze here. In the evening and early mornings, it is very chilly. The beach is about a few miles away from where we are.


Moving Period

Since no one really reads this blog, I decided to go ahead and update for myself.
Summer has mostly been about work. We did a little bit of fun things like go to Family events and only go to visit the beach once or twice. And that too was for family events inside a building. I managed to escape a little and walk around the sands of time. The ocean was very inviting in Cayucos even though it was slightly cold.
We did go to the Mid State Fair a few times and did not go see any concerts. I'm hoping to go visit a few graveyards that are in the Jardine area of Paso. There is a tiny little church with a white picket fence around it and in the back of it, you can see the head stones pop over the fence even while driving by. This would make a great black and white photo. I miss not having my camera with me. A little bit further down the road is another graveyard that just sits there on a corner where the roads bends down. Further down is Star Farms. I'll be there on the coming Saturday which I still need to hunt down a Hawaiin dish for.
Yea, it is getting late right now and probably should go to bed. I'm thinking of getting new software for Family Tree that will handle Vista. The current one I have does not support it.

Labor day weekened was nice! Spent Sunday going down to Vandenberg AFB and picked up honey and we drove not much around in his necck of the woods. Instead we relaxed together in the morning time and went for lunch. Went to San luis and he bought me a brand new laptop!
I'm using it right now! This is a HP Pavillion dv5. Has webcam built in and reads Blue Ray as well. That was a shock to both of us. The price was great. Came out to $810. I'm trying to get used to using Vista. It is different but I'm liking it.

Well, we spent Sunday evening playing some Guild Wars with Lill and Todd and then came back to Paso. Did some laundry, relaxing and hoped to use the spa. It was not working at the time.

I'm pet and house sitting for a while. Until Margaret and her hubby come home from their vacation. My last day of work is Sept. 12th and I have been bad and not worked on my resume lately. They have an addicting game here in the Wii. Mario Galaxy!

We are now covered with Medical Insurance through Randy's new job. Took us a long while to get it! I will have start looking for a new job soon too. I have not seen anything much that interests me in the Santa Maria area.
Time to go, getting late!