Well, I have not been playing much on the internet or even facebook. There have been other things going on and with Christmas coming up! This year has flown fast.
I'm looking forward to Christmas this year and seeing family. Randy tries to frown upon Christmas now. His whole problem is about being negative and saying he does not look forward to Christmas at all.
"It's just another holiday where people want to spend money and the stores seem to get worse every year packing in and hurting everyone else in the process." Quoteth the husband.
I can see his point there but it does not give him the assumption that everyone does this and I'm sure he realizes not everyone does. Yea, it may be his opinion and in a way I can agree that every year there are more people in the stores these days mostly doing what....SPENDING! If they want to do it, it's their thing and its something nor him or me need to worry about.
Growing up in a family with Christ in our lives and every year with Christmas rolling around, to me that is what it means. A time for family to get together and share about Jesus's birth. Gifts were given to Jesus as Frankensince, myre and something else by the sheperds LOVE. And it was only one gift from each sheperd. The sheperds did not go out to buy these. (They could have in their land) They came forth bringing their gifts showing Jesus how much they care.
Sometimes I wonder if my husband has forgotten what the true meaning of Christmas really means.
My hubby grew up as military brat and he claims Episcoplian. I just truly do not know if he has been born again. He gives off partly of his persona that he does not care about God or where he goes after death. He is a very laid back type of guy who loves different things and gets bored after a while. There is a lot more to him that makes him lovable.
All I can can do is create an environment in an place where we live comfortable for him and truly show him what Christmas means to me. I can always put up lights and have a small little tree but nothing really can change his attitude. So I am having to show him what needs to be remembered.
A little love can go a long way.