
Need a blanket?

Ok, a little inspiration had hit me today while I was watching Anthony Bourdains Bizarre Foods on Travel Channel. I love chrochet and sometimes I wonder why it is an addicting hobby and why I do it. Just to suffice for boredom? Or is it because I need to be doing it to be helping others out. Anthony is in Ethiopa today and that reminded me that Africa/Ethiopia area could always use the help.
Besides I usually make a bunch of different blankets that I have no room for or where to put them. Most of the time I'm giving them away anyhow.
God gave me a great skill and I truly need to use my talents to help others.
I feel that way about singing but thats a different story.
So I am on the lookout on how or what address I need to send people there some of my blankets or anything else for that matter.
If anyone knows where I can get this information, that would be awesome! Thanks!


Day plans

Wow! How time flies! Today is a Monday Feb. 9th of 2009.
Seems like every year becomes faster to go through.
Well, today I have a few plans to do.
Barney is going in to the vet this morning at 10:30 to get his stitches out. It has been 2 weeks already since he had his surgery to get an ugly tumor off his leg.
He seems to be alright, sleeps a lot! His thyroid is very low which causes a dog to not want to do much at all. But what do you expect from a 15 year old dog who does not care for playing any more. This morning I riled him up a bit. He loves towels! Especially after it rains and he gets a little wet from being outside. Bring out the towel, say "Towel" really loud and gets excited. It's funny and cute. He comes bounces up and rubs his head all over towel against your legs and I'm all rubbing him down from the rain and he just eats it up! He sometimes makes funny noises like he is enjoying the massage of the towel on his back.

I just realized I can't lift the dog up into the truck! Big dog, bad back....Called back ..rescheduled for tomorrow at 9am.

Randy is coming home later today so I know I need to pick up a few grocery items for his dinner meal at work. I have to hunt down my good boots. They have been missing for a while. That would not be good to go waste money on a new pair right away when they could be hiding in the trunk of the car.
Hey, the sun is coming out for a while! Maybe I'll go to the beach later on if it stays up!
I heard lightening this morning at 8am. Well food is done and I'll be back later.


God works miracles

We are not alone in our quest for life. Be thankful for all circumstances!
God supplies all our needs. It is his grace that has freed us. - Micheal W Smith
Arise, let the church arise! Let the song arise!

In the midst of cleaning this aftnernoon, I'm in thought of how blessed we are.
Living in the circumstances we have now, we meet people everyday.
I am thankful, thankful for new people to come in our lives. Great people who touch our lives for the better. Thankful for neighbors who have God in their lives and are able to share with others. Those are Gods People, people with a mission to share what they have and hope to give to others.
I know there are more people like that in our world. It is amazing and touching to know they are that close to us. We just need to reach out and touch that hand.