
Friday Fun

I’ve been thinking of something to write for today. I have not blogged too much this week.

Today has been actually busy for a change of pace. As Randy returns to work for the weekend today, I am working as well this morning and I’m sort of still doing some. Lompoc is pretty warm today; I even stopped by the local pool a little while ago to get hours and prices. I went to bed early last night close to 10pm and woke up about 7:30am. I figured it would be best to get as much done in the morning and try to relax by the afternoon. I still plan on relaxing in a few. I just busted out items from the fridge for tonight’s dinner. Even though we just got paid today, I am going to wait for our nice night out on Monday. Tonight’s meal is a roast with onion, mushrooms, carrots and potatoes.

Today is a little crazy. I went to do laundry and went for a grocery shop at the same time! We are lucky that one of the Von’s in town is next to the Laundromat.
I soon as I got back, I just put away the food and ran back out to Michaels for a sale they are having on photo/craft boxes. Three for five is a pretty good deal if you know what you want to use them for. I needed them to organize all the stuff in the bathroom cabinets. I still have one left.

I just heard on the radio that we may need a prescription now just to pick up a box of Cheerios! How stupid is that!!!!!!! Why, because FDA has approved that the box actually states the truth on the box. (DUH)
It lowers cholesterol and reduces heart rate or something of the sort. I say SO WHAT! It’s been like that forever and now they are being idiots!

Also heard something else , now I can’t remember what it was.
Anyway, after Michaels I went Wal-Mart and found a new pair of ten dollar shorts. Fits perfectly! Picked up a new bath rug, found a nice Ren Fair pattern in Simplicity and bought four yards of muslin material. I’m thinking of making a long shift so I can use as the under dress. Eventually I’ll make a tartan skirt that will go over it. Anyway, I dropped off a couple books at the library and headed home. I was thinking of going to Orcutt to pick up our mail but having second thoughts. I’m pretty tired now. Soon I will get to rest! I’ve already organized the bathroom cabinets and cleaned up the toilet and around the shower. I got to get up now and get that food in the crock pot.

I will write again soon when I’m not so wrapped up with things.

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