This morning a thought came across my mind about something I've prayed before in the past. The task at hand was about how to handle a situation when you are up against talking about Gay and Lesbian Marriages. I know this is a complex subject and very touchy with some people. This message came through now and I think its time to speak up.
I am Christian, raised to believe in God and his people. Christians and others have been bashed just because of their name and now even Gays and Lesbians are being bashed as well. The same goes for anyone who are differently nationalities. It is all discrimination.
Besides reading the bible, I was taught to LOVE your neighbor, Love those who need to be loved and LOVE those who we do not even know. And yes, LOVE yourself.
I cannot sit here and judge another person based on color, or what they do, or who they choice to partner with!
Besides, I am not the Judger whom is God, he is someone who watches over us constantly. He Loves us and he wants us to love others like he has done for us.
Only you choose what path you want to take, even for non-believers; I will keep you in my heart.
I agree with everything you have written here! Discrimination of any sort needs to stop now.
We are all human, we all share the same planet, we need to all start accepting others for who they are, free from judgement and prejudice.
Thank you Mr. Spooky!
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