

The kids enjoyed the weekend at WaterTown. For a few days my shoulders and back were red and now they are tan. Sherry was also red, her's was worse! Babies is another topic thats been slipping in lately. At this point I should not worry on planning it technically and Randy did keep his promise. So at first I was set on start trying to get pregnant in a couple months, that way the 8-9 months would end somewhere in April or May of next year. I don't like the fact that I really like this new job and when it happens I would need to be home, yea it will happen anyway. However, we are finally getting back on our feet and bringing in some good chunk of change! Honestly, even if I did ask about it, Randy would say the same: Wait at least, at the least.....until we have paid off the credit cards, Sears and Circuit City. Now I'm looking forward to working hard enough to pay them off and just letting God handle it. It will happen soon. Im thinking a fall baby actually. So may try for it around Christmas/Winter time. That would be funny if we tried for it before he left for 7 level school. Well got to run to work!

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