I guess it had happened Sunday around 1pm. Emma Birdsong Bassett took in her last breath and said her back felt better, the pain is gone. Over the weekend, for the first time in years her back just started giving her pain. She had hit 100 years old on Christmas day of 2004. She was pretty frail and had seen her days run by so fast. She could tell us grand stories of the days she had lived. I made friends with Emma the first year we moved here. She and Gloria really liked my singing from church and the common visits to their house. Today was pretty heartbreaking to come into work and try to do things, however I found it hard to concentrate since there was not much to do. Gloria told me Emma was rushed to the hospital twice over the weekend. Then on Sunday in the afternoon an anurism hit and she said she felt better, no more pain. She was awake for a short while and then she was gone. Her funeral was held yesterday in Snow Hill, TX.
In fact you can view this place here: http://www.snowhill-tx.com/Page%204%20Graves.htm
I imagine it is harder on Gloria since it was her mother. When I talked with her it looked like she was about to cry and at the same time smiling.
When it is time to say goodbye,
And your feeling down and out.
Remember to look forward
to the things that mattered.
Love conquers all... even in death
God never left us.
He is just there
ready to pick us up,
even when we stumble
down to cry.
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