Sadness has shown its ugly face on Sunday. At least it was a closed casket and the look on Pastor Tom Dungan and his wife seemed sadder at the minute. I remember looking at the card a man passed out to us. Thomas Dungan, son of Pastor Tom it read on the top. It is so terrible to lose your own children, no matter what age. Thomas was their black sheep of their family, always getting into trouble. He was married and had a couple of kids and then he decides to commit suicide. Not a pleasent death at all. I've met their younger son but not Thomas.
We are keeping this family in our prayers this week.
On a better note, this may cheer us up:

I gave my demonstrative speech last week wednesday on how to make buttercream. It went along ok and then in the middle of it, I lost some wording and refound it. Pretty bad but it sounded ok. Next is finding a topic on a Informative Speech which I'm still looking for. Any ideas would be great! Maybe something along the lines of Archaeology or history....I hope everyone is doing alright.
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