
Speech class

Not a heck of lot going on. I'll be giving a speech on EVP coming up in a couple weeks. I'm just doing research on it. (Electronic Voice Phenomena) But hey its different from what a lot of people are doing and it will perk their interest, lol. I may go out and try it myself to see of I can get anything on tape for testing so that I have some kind of proof on tape for class. Best time is when solar flares are active, crazy ain't it. I don't plan on getting to involved, may not be a good idea.
Other than that, we are doing well. Tonight we are going to hit Tokyo Restraunt for some Japanese food. We will see how expensive it gets. Today will be a cleaning/pick up day before company arrives. Rita, Sherri, and Jillian should be coming over Saturday afternoon for a free crop day together at the house. Kitchen is a little messy. I am eager to do some new pages. I bought some new glitter and regular stickers that are used for bordering.
On the 31st, Erin and I will be doing a duet in Church for Sunday morning. The song is called Power of Your Love. She called last night to tell me good news that her friend will be playing the violin for us as well. I better run and find something to do since I'm at work.

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:
From n3kl.org

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