
Therapy makes the brain gooshy!

Another quick note. Randy would like some time together. I went to sleep therapy, they are testing in a bedroom settting and they put these round things with wires sticking out of them. Well these thingies were on my legs and all over my head and even a set for a nose peice. Highly uncomfortable. I slept for maybe 5 hours since they came in everyone once in a while to check in. Besides the following day I wound up with a most painful migraine in the areas where they stuck those thingies. I actually became sick and threw up today. Ended up being stuck at Jillian's house for a while, while they had to go to Dave's ALS Graduation that night. I hope they had fun. I chiped in for her new puppy as well. She is very happy with Sasha. Sasha is a Jack Russell and soooo hyper! I just love seeing her happy, she is my new best friend.

1 comment:

Drew Dallons said...

I had to have those those things stuck to my head when they did EEGs on me when I was younger. Not fun stuff.