Again its a hump day, Wednesday. Waiting for the weekend to get here and lately time has been flying pretty fast. Thanksgiving is not far and then Christmas. This weekend I think me and Jillian and Randy will be heading over to Calhoun to check out Edge of Madness. It's a large theme park held over year during the Halloween season. Just a fun good scare for us instead of going out and getting caught for trespassing on someone's land just to see if it's haunted. I'm not doing that again. About this time frame of last year, I went with some old friends to see the Pea Patch tower here in Shreveport. Imagine it all dark and spooky. All you have is a flashlight, camera and your friend. The closest thing we have is pictures of strange light anomolies on photo and that was it, along with a lot of different creepy sounds in the middle of a forest. Thats enough for me not to go back there again. Other than that, I like being scared but in a forest, NO.
Finally my scores are going up math some. From 48 to 51 to 56. Teacher says I am improving, just need to keep at it and go over sections more.
Husband thinks we may settle down in Arizona. We both have talked about it and pricing isnt too bad with houses. We don't mind the heat, normally I like the cold. I like the atmosphere there. Its dry heat, not wet heat like here in Louisiana. Its like I don't have excema anymore right now hands are doing fine now. They occasionally break out during stressful changes.
Better run! Talk later!
Daily good and bad life situation ordeals. Learning new things every day, learning to love and to compensate for the things we already have.
Liking it
I'm actually feeling comfortable with work now, more of the I feel at home feeling. I read up on Melinda's blog yesterday and surprised me with a call last night. Sherry came over and we watched the season finale of Ghosthunters. We like to get spooked on occasion. If you ever think I got scared of monsters at a younger age, that phase is gone. Jason and Grant last night went to the Crescent Hotel in Arkansas and what better place to go to for the finale. You can actually see the body/apparition standing in front of the locker and his head is moving down some. I'm gonna leave it at that. I honestly believe there is a spirit dimension, in fact I came upon a scripture in the bible about it. Where a man is given the ability for a while to see into this dimension and he sees thousands of horses and there is a great war between good and bad.
Anyway, I will have to find that scripture again and post it up.
Other than getting amazed with that, I'll be taking the make-up quiz tonight in class and learning about division with polynomials. My good friend already showed me how to, a little ahead with that. I'm getting nervouse already, there is a test on Monday that will cover our previous chapters. Please God, just need at least a 60-70 and I'll be happy! lol! After school is done for this holiday, I'll be going back to gym. I do not want to know how much gain there is. All that halloween candy!
Well I'm now alomst over a head cold with sniffles still. The surgeon did not want to pull the wisdom teeth on Monday because of that so we did reschedule for a re-try for Nov 17th. O boy, I get to be drugged up for my birthday, lol. Bad thing is Finals in class is that night! Teacher says I can come in during the 15th, 16th between 8-4 to take it there, That means taking an hour out of work or so to take the test at the school. I need prayer for wisdom and understanding of the math lingo. I better go for now before some work does come in.
Anyway, I will have to find that scripture again and post it up.
Other than getting amazed with that, I'll be taking the make-up quiz tonight in class and learning about division with polynomials. My good friend already showed me how to, a little ahead with that. I'm getting nervouse already, there is a test on Monday that will cover our previous chapters. Please God, just need at least a 60-70 and I'll be happy! lol! After school is done for this holiday, I'll be going back to gym. I do not want to know how much gain there is. All that halloween candy!
Well I'm now alomst over a head cold with sniffles still. The surgeon did not want to pull the wisdom teeth on Monday because of that so we did reschedule for a re-try for Nov 17th. O boy, I get to be drugged up for my birthday, lol. Bad thing is Finals in class is that night! Teacher says I can come in during the 15th, 16th between 8-4 to take it there, That means taking an hour out of work or so to take the test at the school. I need prayer for wisdom and understanding of the math lingo. I better go for now before some work does come in.
Japanese Lesson
oHayoo GozaiMAsu. (Good Morning)
oGEn'ki desu ka? (How are you?)
GEn'ki desu . (I'm fine.) or oKAGE SAMA DE (I'm fine, thank you.)
goKAzoku wa iKAga desu KA? (How is your family?)
KON'NICHI WA. (Good afternoon)
KON'BAN WA. (Goof evening)
oYASUMI NASAi. Good night.
BAKA (fool)
jaA MAta aTO de. (See you later)
saYANOORA (Goodbye)
Japanese language is great! I now more but have to cut this short for now. Back to work!
oGEn'ki desu ka? (How are you?)
GEn'ki desu . (I'm fine.) or oKAGE SAMA DE (I'm fine, thank you.)
goKAzoku wa iKAga desu KA? (How is your family?)
KON'NICHI WA. (Good afternoon)
KON'BAN WA. (Goof evening)
oYASUMI NASAi. Good night.
BAKA (fool)
jaA MAta aTO de. (See you later)
saYANOORA (Goodbye)
Japanese language is great! I now more but have to cut this short for now. Back to work!
What is better than the worlds biggest ice cream? Or even having a house full of cute animals?
Thank God for change! My hubby heard this morning that his cross-training has been approved.
He will be going to Kessler, Mississippi for a month, tech-school starts May 15th 2006.
The job: Computer Planning and Implementation Management.
By next summer we will be moving out of this state. We just don't know where we are going yet. We will find out in about a month, maybe in a couple weeks. I will keep an update on that!
Thank God for change! My hubby heard this morning that his cross-training has been approved.
He will be going to Kessler, Mississippi for a month, tech-school starts May 15th 2006.
The job: Computer Planning and Implementation Management.
By next summer we will be moving out of this state. We just don't know where we are going yet. We will find out in about a month, maybe in a couple weeks. I will keep an update on that!
I love Fridays

I love Garfield!
This is how my morning went so far for today. I left on time for work and I chose to head to the right for an escape to the backroad. That was my first mistake! I had to wait for the parents to move to get into the school that sits right at the end of our road. Then I waited on someone because the lady stoped in the road to let her child out! After that when I finally reached the back road I had to ride behind a school bus most of the way. About now I wanted to scream! A few minutes to 8, I went to go check in at the time clock. Of course, someone had their time clock right below mine, I accidently grabed his and reclocked his instead. Ooops! So I ended up writing on his (Mistake, sorry) I found mine and noticed yesterday on the way to school time frame the clock numbers were not there! I know I had run the sheet through the timeclock before I left and it was saying I didn't! Annoying! I was about to have a fit. So I had to write in the numbers personally and write on the side that the clock did not print it out from yesterday and that I did run it through. I hope the person who gets these cards will be understanding, lol. I better call her and let her know what happened too. But I refuse to let this Friday be ruined because of a bad morning it has been!
My sister is on her way now to come up and visit today. Looking forward to seeing her! Study some too this weekend. Test on Monday on consecutives, inequalites, I=PRT, mainly 2.3 through 2.9. Better run for now, there is some work to do.
A Day in the Life of Stinky

A Day in the Life of Stinky
By Jenn H (aka Patch)
Corrected by: Stinky
I adore the outdoors no matter what my master says. “Ha! My left paw!” She says, “No, bad kitty.” But I don’t care because I got cat-attitude! Even if I did get stuck outside sometimes, when she opens the door I just walk right back in with my tail high in the air. Sometimes though, I like to play and eat the tall grass and she will come running out to get me, so I munch as fast as I can. This is bad for me later on when my stomach starts to hurt and I’ll just throw up on the carpet. “Yuk, there’s a hairball with that too.”

I also love to rub all into the carpet with my paws and legs stretched out completely sideways, great stretch. Then I’ll just sit there like that for a while and wait for my mom to walk by. As she looks at me thinking I am sooo cute, I’ll eat up the attention she gives me for a moment and then I’ll attack. “Ha, ha!” Surprise, nibble the hand! “Move that foot and I’ll paw at it too!”
One of my most common parts of the day is liter time! I will go potty at any given time of the day when I want. The best time is right after when mommy likes to clean out the box completely with new sand. I can hear her in background yelling something obscene with my name it. “Ha, ha!” She hates it worse when I leave a bomb that smells up the entire room, I don’t care really, I may even like the smell. It’s funny to watch the humans leave the room after that. They just point at me and say my name really loud and say some strange S* word I’ve never heard of.
I especially like to take naps mainly during the afternoons. If I am not lying on the kitchen wooden chairs soaking in some sun rays, you can find me literally sprawled out on top of the couch. Now those are some fluffy cushion tops! I also love it when my parents do the laundry and they are still nice and warm. When mom or dad walks back in the room they usually see me all curled on top of the clothes and one of them would say, “Brat! Those are clean!” Of course, I don’t care, I got cat-attitude, besides I’m sleepy…..yawn! And it feels so warm! At one time though, I woke up out of a dream and found some panties curled up on my head.
Now if you want to talk warm places how about those laps! My daddy lounges around the couch as bad as me, so on occasion I like to lay right on top of him sometimes. I stretch out on his chest and lap and just snooze for about an hour if he does not move.
I really love cleaning. Well I like being very vain for the most part. All the petting, scratches and meals, overall I just love to clean my fur and look nice most of the time. Only on days when I escape to the backyard I will go roll in dirt and get really filthy. But later on I’ll clean up. Boy, it is the greatest feeling just to sprint in grass and roll in fresh dirt!
I do have spurts at night sometimes where I have to run so fast almost colliding with THE DOG. I even like to swipe at him sometimes for fun or even if he gets way to close to me, it is a bit unnerving and get a little grumpy. Believe me I claim whatever place I can get, even if it’s to kick THE DOG off his own bed. Besides his bed is comfy and he just cowers by the couch.
Well by bed time for the humans I am usually awake and eating food or waiting in the hallway for the main door to open. But when I’m tired I’ll actually get comfortable at the end of the bed right at my daddy’s feet. So he has to normally move both his legs around my body, I am pretty big for my age, and at least I stay fit. Well, that is all I can think of for now. There are many days that are different and I get lots of loving, so I am very happy where I am. I hope they don’t move again because I absolutely hate car rides. I will just keep pooping in the back are every time! Bye for now!
Depression is over-rated these days.
That so made me mad! I had written a whole lot on here and everything disapeared! I had written a whole paragraph on what was going on. In short, I'll be in the choir for the Billy Graham festival in November. I was thinking too much this morning and worrying how there is work and school and I remembered mom reminding me about God is in control last night on the phone. Maybe I do pile things on myself on purpose to keep busy. Hubby wants me slow down anyway. I don't understand this math right now, need help!
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