
Bury the Burdens

I finally buried one of my burdens this weekend. After talking with Sis, a lot of questions and answers were made clear. I took the item literally and buried it in the backyard and then said a small prayer. Lord, forgive me.
But it was amazing that I actually felt better afterwards. I don't want to personally have to deal with the situation again or face a temptation that is hard to bury. Literally it helps yourself to see what that item that has become an addiction and to bury it deep in the earth where it belongs. There are way to many things that may consume us that keeps us away from seeing God the way he wants us to be. He wants to be in full control in our lives and us up to us to let him in our hearts.
So when we bury that burden, God is lifting us up and we can feel that burden being lifted off. We may not be able to bury a big tv, lets says its an addiction to a tv maybe the best bet is to cancel the subscription. lol Till next time...
Thanks sis.

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