This one time I played a game at a baby shower about a how rumors get started. The host will think of a simple sentence and pass it to the first person in line. The host can only say it once. Then that person who they told will have to tell it to the next person sitting to them. And so on and so on....At the end the last person has to say it out-loud what was said. Most of the time, the sentence will come out so funny and different from what the original was said.
You could say that I've heard my fair share of rumors and there is one going around my workplace which is really stupid. I just thought it was funny to hear someone say today that "She's a medium of some-sort, into ghosts." That kind of blew me a new fuse. I am not into that kind of thing at all, in fact it was twisted wording, lol.
There is very little interest in ghosty phenomena now. On occasion it's maybe playing with a voice recorder and maybe capturing funky photos and that is it! I would love to find the starter of the trouble maker and poke his eye out. Or at least give him a good talking to. I am sure of and positive I am no freaking Medium! As a Christian, I just can't do that kind of thing, nor can I go around and poke the guy's eye out. But I will not be pushed over either by some stupid rumor. For those who want to say something about someone, please go to the persons mouth and get it from them! Otherwise you will have quite a time dealing with embarassement and other people's stupidity.
Other than that, today has been fine with work. I'm keeping busy updating vendors and such.
It is almost CHRISTMAS! I did pretty up the house some. I have red garland around the poles and made a christmas table and put up a small tree. I did some shopping already but just not done. We are looking at gift sets this year for presents. We have to watch what we soend if we are getting things ready for a move. Better go for now. Byee.
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