
Weekend trip 9-19-09

I had a lot of fun over the weekend. I went to the Haunted Pensacola Lighthouse and Fort Pickens with my sis! We had a lot of fun together. I did the driving there and back while letting Sissi relax. She does enough for us. ^_^
They are hosting for a group called the Texas Ghost Seekers coming on October 9, 10th and 11th. Here is the link with more info:
Pensacola Lighthouse
It falls under October on the calender. If you want to have a night of being a ghost hunter for a night then this is the event! You get to be with a real team "Ghost Seekers" and you do bring your own equipment. Camera, video, emf detector, recorder...you name it! There is a fee of $15.00 a person but it is worth the trip!today I'm putting 4 people down for a reservation.
The fort was really cool to see. There are many tunnels that are so dark you will need a flashlight to check them out.
There is a lot to explore! Yet at the lighthouse its just limited to the house and the actual stairway up! I'm not sure if the grounds are haunted.
TAPS was just there not long ago so be looking forward to the episode in the near future.


Food is great!

I watched Julie and Julia with my sister tonight in a small Niceville Theater over by Perry's. I really liked the movie and felt a little inspired this evening to read a bit of "The Joy of Cooking." Now I'm thinking of making either Baked Macaroni and Cheese or make Dumplings and Rice. But now that I think about that one, perhaps that is all bread. It may be too much carbohydrates.
Besides lately, I feel the need to fill the void with something in my life. Things have gone really blah at this moment. Probably because I'm feeling exhausted. And here I am thinking "Need to get more into cooking."
Anyway, I would recommend this movie to all food lovers!



Tonight we are staying in Arkansas. We took a nice sleep in Dave's house here in Little Rock last night and we were invited to stay one more night.


Same Sex Marriage

This morning a thought came across my mind about something I've prayed before in the past. The task at hand was about how to handle a situation when you are up against talking about Gay and Lesbian Marriages. I know this is a complex subject and very touchy with some people. This message came through now and I think its time to speak up.
I am Christian, raised to believe in God and his people. Christians and others have been bashed just because of their name and now even Gays and Lesbians are being bashed as well. The same goes for anyone who are differently nationalities. It is all discrimination.
Besides reading the bible, I was taught to LOVE your neighbor, Love those who need to be loved and LOVE those who we do not even know. And yes, LOVE yourself.
I cannot sit here and judge another person based on color, or what they do, or who they choice to partner with!
Besides, I am not the Judger whom is God, he is someone who watches over us constantly. He Loves us and he wants us to love others like he has done for us.
Only you choose what path you want to take, even for non-believers; I will keep you in my heart.


A Real Friend

A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps
himself and doesn't feel even the least bit weird shutting your
'Pepsi drawer' with her foot!
A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend shoulder is soggy from your tears..
A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.
A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you
A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it!
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an
A real friend calls you after you had a fight.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!

Hallelujah, Grace like Rain
Falls down on me
Hallelujah, All my sins are washed away
Their washed away! Hallelujah!
~Todd Agnew

Friday Fun

I’ve been thinking of something to write for today. I have not blogged too much this week.

Today has been actually busy for a change of pace. As Randy returns to work for the weekend today, I am working as well this morning and I’m sort of still doing some. Lompoc is pretty warm today; I even stopped by the local pool a little while ago to get hours and prices. I went to bed early last night close to 10pm and woke up about 7:30am. I figured it would be best to get as much done in the morning and try to relax by the afternoon. I still plan on relaxing in a few. I just busted out items from the fridge for tonight’s dinner. Even though we just got paid today, I am going to wait for our nice night out on Monday. Tonight’s meal is a roast with onion, mushrooms, carrots and potatoes.

Today is a little crazy. I went to do laundry and went for a grocery shop at the same time! We are lucky that one of the Von’s in town is next to the Laundromat.
I soon as I got back, I just put away the food and ran back out to Michaels for a sale they are having on photo/craft boxes. Three for five is a pretty good deal if you know what you want to use them for. I needed them to organize all the stuff in the bathroom cabinets. I still have one left.

I just heard on the radio that we may need a prescription now just to pick up a box of Cheerios! How stupid is that!!!!!!! Why, because FDA has approved that the box actually states the truth on the box. (DUH)
It lowers cholesterol and reduces heart rate or something of the sort. I say SO WHAT! It’s been like that forever and now they are being idiots!

Also heard something else , now I can’t remember what it was.
Anyway, after Michaels I went Wal-Mart and found a new pair of ten dollar shorts. Fits perfectly! Picked up a new bath rug, found a nice Ren Fair pattern in Simplicity and bought four yards of muslin material. I’m thinking of making a long shift so I can use as the under dress. Eventually I’ll make a tartan skirt that will go over it. Anyway, I dropped off a couple books at the library and headed home. I was thinking of going to Orcutt to pick up our mail but having second thoughts. I’m pretty tired now. Soon I will get to rest! I’ve already organized the bathroom cabinets and cleaned up the toilet and around the shower. I got to get up now and get that food in the crock pot.

I will write again soon when I’m not so wrapped up with things.


Fleming Line

For those into geneaology, i have finally posted up a website for the Fleming's.

Fleming Line


New Review - The Ancient Omen - Elijah Creek & The Armor of God

The Ancient Omen (Elijah Creek & the Armor of God) The Ancient Omen by Lena Wood

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is the 2nd book in the Elijah Creek & The Armor of God series.

I enjoyed every bit of it! I was able to fit in to each different character and follow the story well. By the end of each book so far, the story keeps you hanging on and waiting when, when, when!?

So I decided to order the next book online through Amazon.

View all my reviews.


Pics from South Lake Tahoe

This man actually got down in sand on one knee and proposed to his new fiancee.


Summer Jobs

I found an article on sumer jobs through msn.com and picked a few that I like. These are just a few that sound interesting to me.

1. Amusement park worker - Salary: $21,758
Summer sizzle: Amusement parks are a prime summer-job hub, mainly because your options are endless in terms of jobs. Just a few of the positions that need to be filled include performers, ride operators, customer service, mascots, game workers and food staff. (Did I mention the discounts on entry and funnel cakes?)

2. Day-camp counselor - Salary: $20,493
Summer sizzle: Rise and shine! It's true that your days of sleeping in will be short-lived as a camp counselor, but working with kids is never short of pure entertainment and you'll enjoy organizing group activities, like crafts or outings to the pool. Plus, you'll get evenings and weekends off.

3. Executive assistant - Salary: $49,270
Summer sizzle: Although you'll have to trade your bikini for office attire, the chances of finding administrative work are in your favor during the summer. As employees take summer vacation, many companies bring on extra staff to cover their projects. Plus, getting your foot in the door by helping companies tackle projects will do only good things for your résumé.

Lifeguard - Salary: $16,782
Summer sizzle: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That is, if you can't afford to spend your days poolside for the fun of it, soak up some rays and get paid for it by keeping tabs on swimmers from your guard chair.

Resort desk clerk - Salary: $17,585

Summer sizzle: Every resort vacationer is looking for a little R and R, so you'll work to ensure guest's needs are met. On your downtime, you can spend your time enjoying some of the luxuries of the resort yourself.

9. Tour guide - Salary: $22,545

Summer sizzle: While living near a tourist trap or in a vacation town can be annoying at times, it can also work to your advantage. Options are endless when it comes to the things people want to see. You can find a job leading boat tours, bus tours, architecture tours, haunted mansion tours, museum tours ... the list goes on. This summer gig is a great way to learn more about the city in which you live and get paid doing it.


Book Review - The Prophet of Yonwood - City of Ember Series Book 3

The Prophet of Yonwood (3rd Book of Ember) The Prophet of Yonwood by Jeanne Duprau

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I finished the audio of the book today and honestly at the end I could not stop to go outside and start dinner.

Nicki is introduced along with her (sister) I think and they go into Yonwood to fix up the old family house. Nicki is one that loves to explore and learn about so many things and loved going out on her own. I can relate to her just because of that. Yonwood is full of people. From McCoy whom everyone thinks is just an old geezer up to no good or Mrs. Brenda who takes things from the Prophet and twists the words. The prophet they claim of the town is only on old lady who needs a caretaker most of the time. I kept waiting and waiting to see how this book ties into the last book and it certainly surprised me at the end!

You will find out that Nicki loves the world so much and its people of the world that she leaves a green notebook behind for someone to find - Lina with as much information she knows about the world.

The main story of the book I really liked. It was more surprising to find out Nicki's father dreams finally are realized in the future.

He is a builder!

View all my reviews.



The fairs that I do go to are with a guild - Hounds Haven

1. Valhalla Ren Faire - Valhalla, CA
May 30 & 31st 09
Had a lot of fun! Randy went with and he spent close to 400 bucks on a matching dagger and sword.

3. Big Bear Pirate Fair - Pedersen's Mill 39115 Rim of the World Fawnskin, CA 92333
June 6th & 7th
Sounds like fun yet Randy is working these days and I have not heard anyone talking of this particular fair yet in the group. It may be a no go?

4. Scottish Ren Fest - Watsonville, CA
June 20
This may be a day trip and depending if Ashley wants to go or not. I invited her to go with but still have not heard from her. Its a bit of a long drive - 4 hours? Valhalla is longer....I'd like someone to go with.

5. Fair Oaks Tudor Fayre - Fair Oaks, CA
June 27th & 28th
I am unsure where Fair Oaks is but with Randy's schedule he is open for this weekend for a faire. I'd like to go but have not heard from anyone about this fair.

5. Big Bear Ren Fair
August 8, 9, 15 & 16th


Saturday Adventure

It was almost 11am when I left this morning out of town. I took a map that was printed out a while back to find my way to find the so called Chumash Indian Rock Art Cave in the Santa Barbara mountains. I've been putting it off for a while now and decided this was going to be the day!
Honestly, it was not a long trip. I think I found it in about an hour. It is some what high on a side of a mountain and the road is only big enough for one car. I will be posting pictures of the place as soon they load up from the camera. When I was there a group of students from an Archaeology class was taking place. Been there, done that! Mr. Robinson was my teacher and he taught well for an old perverted man. (No offense) He's a cool guy.
The art was a small hike up the side off the road and nestled inside a cave. There was also two more drawings that were outside of the cave and higher up on the side of the cliff.
After this, I headed back towards Solvang on the 154 going North. I noticed a sign for Cachuma Lake and Campgrounds, so I pulled over and checked it out. The place is pretty large. They have many full pull ins for RVs and have areas for tents and those tepee tents too. They also have a pool and lot of activities to do! I could only spend 15 min in the park and had to leave or else I would have been charged 8 dollars for a day use pass.

After that, I went into Solvang, parked and walked around. There were many shops! The Dutch Village has a lot to offer any type of shopper. I even saw performers dressed up as gypsy bellydancers giving a show and a small car show off to the side. I ate a light lunch at the Belgain Cafe and found an awesome antique store that was two stories high. I picked up an old 1908 postcard that had a Franklin perforated postal stamp on it. I was hoping it was the one that was worth $50 but after looking it was only worth 15 cents. I kept it anyway. There was a superb bookstore and lots of niknak things. I picked up something for my mother in law and my mom.
I did check out a Cheese and Chocolate shop. I was very tempted to pick up some real Danish Gouda. After about shopping and walking around for about 2-3 hours, I walked over to the Santa Inez Mission dated 1802. I took several pictures around it but they do not allow flash inside the building. I did not get to go inside the church area since Mass was about the start at 5.
I left at 5 so I could get back on time to get dinner started. It was nice. Randy grilled up the steak for me while I fixed up some broccoli.
I'm looking forward to next weekend!


Current Projects

1. Still collecting postal stamps - I finally bought a 3 volume heirloom book set to put my stamps in. The nice thing is that Mystic sent me about 100 free stamps to go with it.

2. Drawing - I've picked up the pencil again and lately changed perspective. I'm trying out mermaids. One of my favorite fantasy creatures.

3. Good Reads - I've been reading a lot more this year and finally added some older books as well. I have a box full of new books from Florida to add and read.


Whats going on for the past months.....

Just for the record, I will be blogging a little bit more since I have a tendency for having memory failure from time to time. The memories are there but I have trouble remembering the details and sometimes I miss an entire memory. I have to have someone tell me the things I have done as a child. I used to have great memory and stranger yet is when I remember things that other people don't remember.

From the 16th through the 30th of March, I spent time with my sister and her husband in Florida! I had a Grand time and of course did not want to leave. I mean who would want to leave Florida! Hahaha! If you were a person who was born and raised there and moved half way through your life, it is still called Home. I am a absolute water baby. The ocean there in the peninsula and further south is all warm. I got in and stayed in for a long time! Just a playing in the surf, pretending to be Superman letting the waves carry you and send you flying forward. And then your butt hits the sand floor and sand gets in places you didn't know you had!
Destin was pretty awesome. I ate at Hard Rock Cafe with Sarah and ate at The Bread place with my sister. I don't remember the name of it. I went to several antique shops, a few books stores, and even to a flea market.

Crestview (the place I grew up in) has grown very much so. Ed and I went for a drive one day and he treated me to lunch and we drove around some. At first, I didn't recognize the streets nor the area because over 20 some odd years the city is going to change. The old house I used to live in is now trashed and the area is the bad side of town now. I remember my friend Sarah and I used to play at the house with Barbie dolls and once we buried a time capsule under the tree in the side yard. I do not know if it is still there. Building a time capsule sounds like fun, I'd like to do it again. We drove by Grandma Orene's house that we used to visit a lot. Her house is over by Crestview High School. I have a lot of good memories from that house. It was upsetting to see that a Realtor lady had the place remodeled. The shape is the same in general but you can tell the difference and from the orange paint job. That house used to be brick with cute little bushes running down the sides off a paved little walkway to the road. There were pecan and fruit trees in the back and a huge gate section on the side of the house that had vines crawling all over it. It had roses and grapes covering it.

My favorite memory though was when Grandma and one of my mom's sister had steamed a large amount of shrimp that looked like to me at the time were the size of baseballs. I knew then shrimp is going to stick to my four food groups always. I loved to hear Grandma talk and she always called me Jenny. I still can hear her sometimes calling my name kind of like a tape recorder repeating itself. Sometimes, I feel like she comes back to visit and to see how her family is doing. I don't know if God allows them to come back and visit us but only he knows.

My sister and Ed cook quite a bit in their new home he had built. Most of the meals are healthy and tasty. Ed took me fishing a couple times and I love doing that. I love fishing! In the front of the house is a pretty good size lake with a Bass, trout and brim. Ed says he has seen some gator in there too but they are about 4 foot long. I caught two bass and Ed caught two as well and we all ate them for dinner one night. He showed me how to clean them too. I just need to learn to cook them now. We talked about going to the movies to see "Coraline" but are plans changed. We ended up watching American Idol, a lot of House shows and a movie called, "Carnival of Souls."
One weekend we had a storm. At one point, lightening came down the chimney while we were trying to watch TV. It was a quick flash and a boom and we were surprised it came down that close to us. We were sitting on the couch and the fireplace was in front of that.

Sarah and I got together a few times. We either had lunch together, went shopping at The Commons in Destin and went to the beach. We went into Crestview one day and spent time eating pizza, checking out both of our old houses and the places we used to go to as a kid. That has been one of my favorite memories I made with her that day. It was nice to catch up on old times. That evening we went to a gathering that Sally Yozviak invited is to. It was a great memory too! We had went to a church potluck at the Jordan's house and was able to see people I haven't seen in ages. People like Mrs. Philpot, Steve and Sally, Margie and her husband. There was another couple but can't remember their names. It was nice to find out what happened to my old buddies that I grew up with are doing ok and living in other areas of Florida. But it would have been more memorable if they were there such as Sam Yozviak and Maleah Jordan.

Another great memory was with Aunt Lottie. My sister, Ed and me all set up time to go see her. It ended up being a happier reunion than I expected. It was a wonderful surprise to see she planned out a potluck and invited others to come over. I was able to see my cousin Winston and his wife and 2 kids, Aunt Polly and her daughter Pollyanne and uncle Brenton and his wife. I hope I didn't forget anyone else. The food was great! They had the best green bean casserole I've ever had. And all the deserts were delish! The next day I spent time with Lottie and she took me all over place and went to visit several cemeteries, including Grandma and Grandpa's. It was neat to see Yellow river Cemetery since some of Grandma's mother and her family was buried there. I had taken a ton of pictures of the Barrow family until I tried to recently move them into my mini SD card in my cell phone. I learned the hard way even if you move them and thinking that deleting them from the cell phone that they would would be in the SD Card by then right? Not! So I lost almost all of my pictures! The only surviving ones are on the waterproof camera which are now in Walmart being processed. A few survived that are left in my cell. I've been after Randy to get a new camera for a while. Our current digital is big and bulky and getting old. It is having problems keeping the batteries charged and with that the pictures are unable to load using Vista on the computer. Anyway, Thank you to Lottie for just being there. It is so nice to get to know family again I have not seen in a long time. They show true southern hospitality.

Lets see....For Easter, I went to several practices for choir and we performed on Saturday night prior to Easter and we also performed on Easter morning for 4 different service times. After such, I ended up with a sore throat leading some kind of allergy - running nose, nasal drip backwards creates mucus and phlem....goes into chest area and creates some kind of yucky cough and hacks.
Well, I have had this problem for about a week and a half now. It is not as bad right now and is slowly dying off. Thank God!But I'd say that is my main reason why I did not go to the Easter gathering this year at the Grandparents beach house.

Recent events take us to Yosemite National Park this past weekend with Randy's mom Jeannie and her husband Ken. Lil and Todd went with us as well. I've posted pictures on my MSN Live Spaces and on Facebook. That was a fun trip. Me and Randy stayed the weekend with his mom and step dad in Coarsegold. It is about an hour to Yosemite. We spent the Saturday all day in the park walking around seeing the waterfalls and famous points of intrests and the tall trees. We had dinner in a nice restraunt with a large window view of Lower Falls. I ate swordfish for the first with cuscus and a type of tomato sauce with pilaf rice. Jeannie and Ken bought everyone us dinner. Thank you!!!! That was an awesome meal. I bought a few small things at their shops. A book, a new green hook with a compass on it, some postcards and a new link for my Italian charm braclet. It is almost complete, just need two more to go. I'd like to find one that has an "I love fishing" kind of thing to it. I'm hoping to return to Yosemite to do some real hiking and camping sometime!

Well it is time for me to close. I've been typing this up for a few hours and have to stop for now. Laundry has to be done, lunch time is coming soon which means Randy will be back for lunch in 40 minutes. Currently, we are staying on the Vandenberg FamCamp. We had to leave Lompoc for a week since they shut down RiverPark RV Campground to RVers for a Wine Festival. We are returning there by this Wednesday. Got to run now!



The room was pretty dark but not super dense. I could see a ton of rubbish that created mountains and small hills. Upon closer inspection, these mountains and hills were only made out of people's things like bikes, dolls, an old car and much more of the sort.
My husband and I were in a truck and driving through this maze of ugliness as if we were on a quest for treasure. He found old ramps that were half way buried in some of these heaps and upon looking up at the point of where we were there was no ceiling. We reached some sort of open old building and the only way to get up there was to climb on the hills of trash. Randy spotted an opportunity with one old ramp ahead of him and gunned the truck! We only flew a few meters but it sure felt like we were flying. The exhilaration had not ended yet. We both got our of the truck as it landed on an old floor being barely supported. We could have easily fallen over the old wooden planks. Surprisingly, the truck landed on a portion of the floor where a pedestal was holding it up. We both walked around and we had to climb a little higher and found rooms with more junk all over the place. He took one side of the room and I had taken the other. I finally stumbled upon a larger pile of books and thingimabobs and climbed as far it would go. This room we could not see a ceiling because it was the same color as the room blending in its own colors high above. I finally found a landing above this mountain and pushed myself to sit for a moment. I could below Randy was in some far corner looking for what we thought to have come for. Maybe we could follow an old legend and come across some secret money or a hidden stash of gold but instead we listened to an old wives tale about the place.
It was unbelievable where the story had lead us to. This stinking old place with junk piled high as the eyes can see. We heard of treasures but did not know what to expect. I stood back up and found a small path that lead to a giant chest of drawers and a room full of antiques. I had to push away a pile of junk to find this entrance! I saw things of all sorts on the table top of the dresser and most of it glittered. There were old indian relics, some sparkling diamond jewelry, some gold doubloons ( not many) below in the drawers there were money bills halfly crunched sticking out. There were much more than that just from looking at the antique dresser. You can see smaller drawers on the top of the desk. Each one had some kind of treasure sitting inside. The mirror that sat behind it all was filthy and everything sitting on the desk was dusty as if left to disentigrate.
My eyes widened from all the goodness that laid upon there and nearly fell backwards of shock.
I stepped back to the doorway and called down to my husband.
"It's here! It's here!" I knew he was down there and heard his say ok and after that was a tumbling of books and things being strewn everywhere. He was making his way to where I was up top. All I could find was a bag of cloth and started tossing the trove of assetts in the bag, carefully for the older items. Randy finally joins me and finds a cloth bag as well. We both are smiling as we had found a massive amount of riches.

The next scene appears as though we have returned to someone house and my husband has disappeared. I am on the run with my bag of goodies in one hand and fear sweeping through my body. There are men on the other side of the house talking.
"Find her! She can't be too far. Ya better hope they didn't find the Crown we've been looking for." Then the feet shuffled off. I thought I could hide the bag under the porch but one could see it from the angle I was at. So I picked up the bag again just in time as one of the men was rounding the corner. I darted around a rustic 50's GMC Truck and peered around. Coast was clear so I hopped in truck and put my bag beside and tore out of the property. The men came around the the front of the house as they watched turn up dirt revving out into desert country.

BTW - Into books and like reading you can find me as a member of Goodreads.com :

Secret Money: The Lily Adventures (Lily Adventures, No 1)


Archaeology Colleges and some Christian Colleges

Referencing College Link:
How to be a Biblical Archaeologist

I don't know why I even bother sometimes looking at these websites. I look in hopes maybe I can go one of these days or dream about the perfect college. Archaeology has been one of my biggest dreams since I was little. I've had some courses with it already from a couple colleges and that is as much I have achieved. Transcripts are a pain to get with 5 colleges behind my belt. Someone told me today I could get unofficial scripts and have them sent to me and then fax them over. That might be cheaper?
I should not be wallowing in self pity. And I need to stop crying... Getting married I feel sets me back for my dream. It may not be true but ever since we married my dreams just keep getting pushed further back. Besides it will be harder, as a married couple and I'm trying to go overseas for biblical digs. On a good note, being married has opened up the many different colleges I have attended so far. There may still be a possibility in archaeology studies through Lycoming College. But that requires to move to Pennsylvania. And we may still be going there around April time to visit. Who knows, only God. We both agree we want to get away from CA and make a new life somewhere else. Even Archaeology is number 1 on my list for studies, I'm really unsure what else I may like to do for a career. I need some other ideas that way I don't take away my marriage just because of science.
Now I did find this one college - http://www.nwc.edu/display/81 They offer some archaeology/ history classes online! Plus they have other possibilities for degrees especially if I do fall back for something else.
I ask for Prayer big time and any advice!

Commit your actions to the lord and your actions will succeed - Proverbs 16:3 NLT


Need a blanket?

Ok, a little inspiration had hit me today while I was watching Anthony Bourdains Bizarre Foods on Travel Channel. I love chrochet and sometimes I wonder why it is an addicting hobby and why I do it. Just to suffice for boredom? Or is it because I need to be doing it to be helping others out. Anthony is in Ethiopa today and that reminded me that Africa/Ethiopia area could always use the help.
Besides I usually make a bunch of different blankets that I have no room for or where to put them. Most of the time I'm giving them away anyhow.
God gave me a great skill and I truly need to use my talents to help others.
I feel that way about singing but thats a different story.
So I am on the lookout on how or what address I need to send people there some of my blankets or anything else for that matter.
If anyone knows where I can get this information, that would be awesome! Thanks!


Day plans

Wow! How time flies! Today is a Monday Feb. 9th of 2009.
Seems like every year becomes faster to go through.
Well, today I have a few plans to do.
Barney is going in to the vet this morning at 10:30 to get his stitches out. It has been 2 weeks already since he had his surgery to get an ugly tumor off his leg.
He seems to be alright, sleeps a lot! His thyroid is very low which causes a dog to not want to do much at all. But what do you expect from a 15 year old dog who does not care for playing any more. This morning I riled him up a bit. He loves towels! Especially after it rains and he gets a little wet from being outside. Bring out the towel, say "Towel" really loud and gets excited. It's funny and cute. He comes bounces up and rubs his head all over towel against your legs and I'm all rubbing him down from the rain and he just eats it up! He sometimes makes funny noises like he is enjoying the massage of the towel on his back.

I just realized I can't lift the dog up into the truck! Big dog, bad back....Called back ..rescheduled for tomorrow at 9am.

Randy is coming home later today so I know I need to pick up a few grocery items for his dinner meal at work. I have to hunt down my good boots. They have been missing for a while. That would not be good to go waste money on a new pair right away when they could be hiding in the trunk of the car.
Hey, the sun is coming out for a while! Maybe I'll go to the beach later on if it stays up!
I heard lightening this morning at 8am. Well food is done and I'll be back later.


God works miracles

We are not alone in our quest for life. Be thankful for all circumstances!
God supplies all our needs. It is his grace that has freed us. - Micheal W Smith
Arise, let the church arise! Let the song arise!

In the midst of cleaning this aftnernoon, I'm in thought of how blessed we are.
Living in the circumstances we have now, we meet people everyday.
I am thankful, thankful for new people to come in our lives. Great people who touch our lives for the better. Thankful for neighbors who have God in their lives and are able to share with others. Those are Gods People, people with a mission to share what they have and hope to give to others.
I know there are more people like that in our world. It is amazing and touching to know they are that close to us. We just need to reach out and touch that hand.


New updates

A few new notes:

1. My car window was smashed in by a flying rock, which was slinged by a mower this morning.

(front passenger side) Jan 30th 09

I'm filing a claim with the city and they are paying for damages.

2. Pennsylvania is a maybe still for the summer. We may be going out there to visit in April depending on Father in law and his wife.

3. March is pretty busy! One week I'll be house sitting for parents and right after I'll be in Florida for almost 2 weeks. Looking forward to that!

4. I'm not liking my new haircut. May need styling differently to get it look right.

5. Made a new friend - Shawn (Its a girl) Our neighbor. We have some things in common. I invited her to Thursday morning prayer walks with the other girls. We both listen to KLove, she is a born again Christian and has a pretty 17 month old girl. She is interested in going to Foursquare church with me.


College awaits!

With recent news, we may be moving to PA within a couple months due to some family business on Randy's dads wife side. We have been offered a house big and beatiful by the river in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania with Rent Free! We would be taking care of the maintenance, our utilities and food. To do it all, we will need to find work too.
Tonight, I've been looking at colleges in the area.
I think it is meant to be! perhaps Fate....
My dream degree lays in archaeology and I found it at Lycoming College. Its 40 minutes away from the house!
Please pray if it truly is meant to be! ^_^